Daniel DeMarco SOAP Note #3 Pediatrics
AR is a 7mo14d female with no PMH admitted with atypical Kawasaki Disease. She is s/p IVIG yesterday. Tolerated well. No ADRs. Afebrile overnight. Mother states she is feeding well, 4oz. Similac q4h. Mother believes redness of eyes has decreased slightly. No vomiting, no diarrhea.
T 36.2C (36-37.1)
HR 103bpm (94-148)
RR 25bpm (22-42)
SpO2 99%RA (97-100)
BP 86/54 (80/49-102/69)
Wt: 8.363kg
Ins: 0.75x MIVF
Outs: 1.58 cc/kg/hr
Diagnostic Imaging
Echo: Normal
General: AOx3. NAD.
Skin: Warm, moist. Some residual macules and papules on bilateral proximal thighs.
Eyes: PERRL. EOMI. Mild erythema of bilateral conjunctiva L>R.
Heart: RRR. Normal S1, S2. No m/g/r.
Chest: CTAB. No rhonchi, crackles, wheezes.
Abdomen: Nondistended. BS+. Soft. NTTP. No organomegaly. No masses.
Extremities: No cyanosis. Capillary refill <2s throughout. Full range of motion.
AR is a hemodynamically stable 7mo14d female with atypical Kawasaki Disease.
#Kawasaki Disease
– s/p IVIG (6/18/19)
– Cont. ASA 162mg PO q6h
– CRP, LFTs, CBC in AM
– APAP Rectal 120mg q4h prn for fever >38C
– Ibuprofen PO liquid 85mg q6h prn for fever >38C unresponsive to APAP
– Regular Diet
– Ranitidine HCl Oral Liq 8mg PO q12h
Disposition: Will observe x48h s/p IVIG to assess for recurrent fevers. If afebrile, hemodynamically stable, and clinically improving, will discharge with f/u with Pediatrician in 1-2d and f/u with Cardiology in 2-3wks. Will require low dose ASA until Cardiology f/u.
/s/ Daniel DeMarco, PA-S
Physician Assistant Student