Daniel DeMarco Focused H&P#1 Ambulatory Care
Chief Complaint: Cough with Mucus, Sore Throat x 5d
History of Present Illness:
MM is a 32yo Male presenting to office with complaint of cough with green mucus production and sore throat x 5d. Patient states that his symptoms started with a dry cough which became productive. He states that the sore throat has gotten worse. Admits nasal and chest congestion. Patients admits sick contact – nephew was sick with something similar one week ago. Has tried NyQuil with minimal relief. Denies fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgias, arthralgias, sinus pressure, foreign travel.
Allergies: NKDA
Medications: Denies
PMH: Denies
PSH: Denies
Social History: Denies EtOH use, tobacco use, marijuana use, other illicit drug use.
Sexual History: Identifies as male. Has one female partner. No history of STDs.
Family History: Denies
Review of Systems:
General: Denies fever, chills, anorexia, weight loss, weight gain
Neuro: Denies HA, trauma, LOC, seizure activity, developmental delays
HEENT: Admits congestion, sore throat. Denies change in vision, hearing, pruritus, photo/phonophobia, neck pain, runny nose, ear pain
CV: Denies shortness of breath, sweating, color changes with feeding, chest pain, palpitations, history of murmur, fainting, or dizziness with activity
Respiratory: Admits productive cough. Denies wheezing, shortness of breath
GI: Denies nausea, vomiting (bloody/bilious), diarrhea, constipation, hematemesis, hematochezia, or melena
GU: Denies dysuria, frequency, urgency, hematuria
Endo: Denies polyuria/polydipsia, heat/cold intolerance, growth pattern abnormalities
MS: Denies myalgias, arthralgias, trauma, limp, weakness
Skin: Denies rashes, bruising, petechiae
Psychiatric: Denies HI/SI, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness
Physical Exam:
Vital Signs:
BP: 128/82
Pulse: 88bpm
RR: 14 breaths/min
Temp: 37.0C
SpO2: 100%RA
Ht: 70.0 inches
Wt: 77kg
General Survey: Alert, NAD. Appears stated age.
Skin: No petechiae, masses, lesions. No jaundice, cyanosis, mottling. No rashes.
Hair: Average quantity and distribution.
Nails: Capillary refill <2s throughout.
Head: NC/AT. Non-tender to palpation throughout. Frontal and maxillary sinuses nontender to palpation and percussion.
Eyes: PERRLA. EOM intact and nonpainful. Red reflex present bilaterally. No crusting on lashes. No discharge.
Ears: External ear with no masses, lesions. Nontender to palpation. Auditory canal with no injection. B/L TMs pearly gray with cone of light in appropriate position.
Nose: Nares patent. Mucosa pink. Septum midline. Turbinates non-boggy, non-hyperemic.
Throat: Moderate pharyngeal erythema. Good dentition. Gingiva without lesions, masses. Uvula midline. No tonsillar swelling.
Neck: Supple. No thyromegaly. No lymphadenopathy.
Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2. No murmurs, gallops, rubs.
Chest and Pulmonary: Symmetrical rise and fall of chest wall. No labored breathing, accessory muscle use. Clear to auscultation bilaterally.
Abdomen: Nondistended. BS +. Soft, non-tender. No guarding, rebound tenderness. No hepatosplenomegaly.
MM is a 32yo Male with 5d complaint of worsening productive cough, sore throat, and congestion consistent with bacterial upper respiratory tract infection.
#Bacterial Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
– Rapid Strep Negative
– Start Azithromycin 500mg PO on first day, then 250mg PO qd x 4d
– Start Guaifenisin 600mg PO q12h x 5d
– If severe facial pain, intractable fevers, eye pain, inability to eat or drink, go straight to ER
Follow-Up: prn
/s/ Daniel DeMarco, PA-S
Physician Assistant Student